
How To Achieve Goals
If you want to really know how to achieve goals, then follow these 7 ways to make goals work for you.
NOTE: In today’s episode I mention an infographic version of the Show Notes. The infographic is expected to be posted next week, so if you’d like a copy of it, you can grab it next week. Until then, enjoy today’s 2nd Episode of The Success Sculpting Show, and let’s get on with the Show Notes… shall we? 🙂
In life as well as in business, success is based on various factors that run from leadership, communication, teamwork, strategic alignment, conflict resolution, skill improvement, adaptability and more. However, the one and only thing that brings a unity of focus for all the elements to come together and work together is… GOALS!
While our goals may inspire us, it takes initiative and implementation to turn the inspiration from goals into real-world results and impact.
In today’s episode, we will discuss how to make sure you avoid the errors and pitfalls of goal setting and more importantly how to achieve your goals. To do that, we will dive into 7 areas that you can leverage to make goals work for you… and while your goals may have already excited you, today you will learn how to propel yourself forward to achieving your goals, accomplishing your vision and acquiring your desires.
Here’s a quick snapshot of the 7 areas we will dive into in today’s episode;
1. The importance of having Outcome Goals, Performance Goals, and Process Goals.
2. Using target dates of completion.
3. Why you should focus on processes and performance goals instead of the outcome.
4. Identify your process and performance goal strategies.
5. Picking targets that stretch you but don’t break you, that are realistic yet challenging.
6. The critical elements of a feedback loop to monitor, evaluate and improve your performance, processes and progress.
7. [FREEBIE ALERT!] Improve your workflow with these +20 Free Evernote Workflow Templates available for download @ www.SuccessSculpting.com/evernote
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Even the this is a new show, and this is just Episode #2, I am so incredibly thankful to those who have recently gone into my listing in iTunes to provide a five-star rating and a written review of The Success Sculpting Show.
Have You Listened To The First Episode Yet?
How To Stay Focused – Don’t Become A Hostage To Distractions
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great format. Good message.
Thank you Pam! Appreciate your feedback and great hearing from you. 🙂
Love, love the new thingy! YOU Rock DUDE! 🙂
Thank you Pam!
That means alot coming from you because you know all about “rocking” it!
Hello, Stephen
Really appreciate these episodes…
Thank you for putting them together…You are Amazing!
Thank you my friend!
Great to hear you are enjoying and I appreciate your feedback!
Hey Steve; I’ve gotten alot of value out of this today’s episode. I appreciate it very much!
Thank you Don!
That’s great to hear. Appreciate you sharing.
Episode 3 will be released on Friday.
🙂 Thank you!
Stephen, the posts on change and never give up are so enlightening especially at a
time when I have given up. I am so tired and so frustrated of trying and trying and trying
to start over and over, and still falling over and over. But these words have given me a
little bit of hope again. I will keep on trying until …or i can’t anymore..I will let you know.
Thank you for such inspiring words
I completely agree that you must have dates for eatch goal. Goals do not feel real to me until I have clearly defined what I want and when I expect to have reach achievement.